Italy Telephone Directory

Trace Italy Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 88 Italy Businesses on Pincode 00079. Italy has a population of 59,290,969 and there are thousands of businesses in Italy whose numbers are available for Italy Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Italy Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 88 businesses number on pincode 00079 in Italy.

Cell Number Business Name
390694436272 Antica Baita
39069406510 Foresta e Giardino
+39 06 940701 Bcc del Tuscolo - Rocca Priora
+39 06 940 5124 Centro Servizi Fiscali Buero
+39 06 9407 4008 Rocca Priora Mediazione Srl
+39 06 9918 0087 Comune Di Rocca Priora
+39 06 9407 4008 Affiliato Tecnocasa Team Rocca Priora 1 S.R.L.
+39 06 9407 3021 Centro servizi Rocca priora
+39 06 947 0524 Ufficio Postale Poste Italiane
+39 06 9760 8361 STUDIO DAMIS & DEL MONACO
+39 06 9443 6403 CasaVacanze Valle Moretta
+39 351 505 7124 Garofalo Rooms - Castelli Romani
+39 06 940 6786 Fondi dal 1936
+39 06 9407 4096 Hotel Villa la Rocca
+39 06 947 0799 Ristorante Sora Rosa di Vinci I.
+39 339 465 1495 Hostaria L'Antico Romano
+39 06 940 6757 B & B Viale dei Pini
+39 366 427 5076 Aurora 80
+39 333 604 3386 Dyria Motors srl
Cell Number Business Name
+39 06 947 0943 IC Cambellotti - Plesso Sc. Primaria
+39 06 940 6371 Le Colombe Da Tiziano
+39 06 947 2020 LFArchitettura Srl
+39 06 940 6331 Le Ali Rosa Estetica
+39 06 947 0106 Ristorante 'O Masto 2
+39 06 940 6190 Da Raimondo di G. Luciani
+39 339 899 3301 Fisiokinesiterapia Palmieri
+39 348 313 8297 Dott.ssa Eleonora Luciani - Studio di Odontoiatria e Medicina Estetica
+39 351 588 6610 Psicologa psicoterapeuta Dott. ssa Barbara Celiani
+39 06 9407 4178 Villa Gughi, Depressione e Dipendenze 2.0, Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica - Roma
+39 06 9327 4508 Casa della Salute Rocca Priora - ex Ospedale Cartoni
+39 06 947 0750 Dott Emanuele Miraglia, dermatologo tricologo
+39 351 990 6901 Studio di psicologia Dott.ssa Laura Lolli
+39 380 105 9941 Microblading Petronela
+39 338 400 3644 Studio Otorinolaringoiatria Dott. Luciani Paolo
+39 06 947 0129 Colini Anna Maria
+39 06 947 0123 Farmacia degli Olmi
+39 06 947 1734 Sacchetti Roberto
+39 349 080 3004 Costa Del Monte


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Italy like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Italy Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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