Italy Telephone Directory

Trace Italy Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 192 Italy Businesses on Pincode 10045. Italy has a population of 59,290,969 and there are thousands of businesses in Italy whose numbers are available for Italy Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Italy Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 192 businesses number on pincode 10045 in Italy.

Cell Number Business Name
+39 011 906 8020 Tobacco Bar Memphis
+39 011 906 4645 Studio Chialvo
+39 011 906 8595 Grandicase
+39 011 906 8056 Bed and Breakfast Villa Mirano
+39 011 906 8566 Andruetto Dr. Gianluigi
+39 011 906 5072 Germena Claudio
+39 011 906 6040 Zanforlin Dr. Roberto
+39 011 904 2111 Cisero Dr. Ugo
+39 011 906 8580 Promeg S.N.C. Studio Di Medicina Generale
+39 011 906 5710 Conte Dr. Luigi
+39 011 207 6035 Novaresio Chiara
+39 011 904 2130 Casa di Cura Villa Patrizia
+39 011 906 8098 Reab Med Srl
+39 011 092 5990 Claudio Cuocolo
+39 333 741 8946 Dott. Maurizio Vrola Chirurgo Osteopata
+39 011 1981 5652 Dott. Fabio Baraldo, Terapista del dolore
+39 011 092 5925 Chiropratica Dr. CAVEDONI Elio DC
+39 011 092 5990 Gabriele Fontana
+39 011 092 5990 Riccardo Casabona
+39 800 069 100 Amplifon
+39 011 904 2322 Studio Ortopedico Lisdero
Cell Number Business Name
+39 011 906 5497 Piatti Dr. Alberto
+39 011 906 5405 Garello Gomme
+39 011 906 4244 Studio Ginecologico LOGRIPPO Dott.ssa Vilma
+39 011 092 5990 Magenta Poliambulatorio
+39 011 092 5990 Marco Ajello
+39 011 092 5990 Dott. Andrea Cauda - Psicologo Psicoterapeuta EMDR
+39 333 641 3110 Caff� Clinic
+39 011 900 2300 Bruna Dr. Ezio
+39 011 904 1638 Ambulatorio Veterinario Dr. Tiziana Carpinello
+39 011 904 2589 Studio Medico Dentistico Dr. Zannini Aquilino
+39 339 710 2251 MONICA GIUSTO
+39 011 906 6412 Tarable Franco
+39 334 173 6738 Dott.ssa Seyla Costantino Psicologa Psicoterapeuta Piossasco, per adulti, bambini e adolescenti
+39 347 429 4814 Dott.ssa Munafo' Ambra
+39 011 906 5553 Studio Dentistico Turinetto Alessandro
+39 339 657 5049 Paola Miscioscia psicologa, psicoterapeuta, formatrice
+39 011 906 4643 Dentista Studio 108 Dott. Favero
+39 339 491 7393 dott.ssa NADIA SELVAGGI psicologa psicoterapeuta infanzia e adolescenza
+39 338 256 2250 Ambulatorio veterinario D.ssa Paola Persoglio
+39 339 605 8082 Trattoria Pizzeria Donna Maria
+39 011 903 9888 Villa Serena


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Italy like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Italy Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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