Italy Telephone Directory

Trace Italy Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 588 Italy Businesses on Pincode 82019. Italy has a population of 59,290,969 and there are thousands of businesses in Italy whose numbers are available for Italy Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Italy Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 588 businesses number on pincode 82019 in Italy.

Cell Number Business Name
390823956021 Carpenteria Metallica Lombardi Paolo
390823717277 F.Lli Frogiero Snc Di Antonio Frogiero & C.
390823953313 Finestra Catalana
390823953944 Supermercato Sigma
390823717563 Macelleria M.M. Di Mauriello Mario
390823953827 Sentieri Luminosi
390823953042 Bar Gelateria Normanno
390823953422 Iannotta Pasquale
390823508890 Rebollo S.R.L.
393207707615 Cuore d'Inchiostro - Libreria per l'infanzia e laboratorio grafico
393396958454 La Cappellaia Matta di Linadecor
390823953170 Fratelli Desiderio S.R.L.
390823718201 Comune di Sant'Agata de' Goti
3908231657292 Oasi Della Frutta di Andrea Martino
390823953509 Macelleria Biagio Cardulli
390823953043 Farmacia Viola
390823956095 Motor Prisco Di Prisco Antonio
390823953170 Fratelli Desiderio S.R.L.
390823953222 Point Service� Autofficina G.T. Car di Giovanni Giordano
390823717196 Agrifor Di Clemente Matera
393389853531 Macelleria Grasso Carmine E Girrarosto Super Pollo 13
393476537297 Punto Vendita Mozzarella Lubrano Giovanna
393299187819 Senso Unico Abbigliamento
390823953146 Ottica Vision Di Pisanti Teresa
Cell Number Business Name
390823953875 PRO.MA.G.
393804685496 Orchidea di Del Basso Davide
393273403500 Paninoteca �Il brigante del Taburno�
390823957358 Bar, Tabacchi, alimentari di Cesare Gianfranco
390823956760 Numa Agrifarm Srl Sant'Agata de Goti
390823956556 Concessionario Autoerre Srl
390823717006 Agriturismo Buro
390823717435 Pescheria Abbatiello Angelo
393331745794 Il Foro - Pane e Gastronomia
390823953027 Agriturismo Eden Sant'Agata De' Goti
390823717389 Antico Borgo - Ristorante e Pizzeria
390823717135 Azienda Agrituristica "La mela annurca"
393291338374 Magione b&b
393461768415 AGRIBERNARDO LUIGI Piante Grasse Campania Lazio Benevento Sant'Agata d� Goti cactacee succulente
393463735495 Meccatronica biscardi
390823718142 Cantine Storiche Mustilli degustazione vini winebar
390823953364 Supermercato Pellicano
393475172115 B&B Al Vecchio Casale
393897986626 B&B Sogni Goti
390823953048 I.I.S. A. M. De' Liguori
393287870325 Jasmine parfums
390823953375 La Perla del Sannio - Affittacamere
390823957873 B&B L' Agrifoglio
390823956698 The Queen Bee Farm
390823953029 Carabinieri Comando Stazione Sant'Agata De' Goti



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Italy like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Italy Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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