Italy Telephone Directory

Trace Italy Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 334 Italy Businesses on Pincode 80055. Italy has a population of 59,290,969 and there are thousands of businesses in Italy whose numbers are available for Italy Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Italy Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 334 businesses number on pincode 80055 in Italy.

Cell Number Business Name
393341673748 Pummarola Gourmet
39081480361 Euroesse supermarket
39081475942 Gelateria Gallo
390817767825 Liceo Scientifico Filippo Silvestri
39081483563 Ag Generali Portici
393397925591 La Bakery da Marg�
39081483089 Vesuvioteatro
3908112345678 UNIone Commercialisti Area Vesuviana
39803164 INPS Costiero Vesuviana
39333202020 Portici 5 Stelle
39081487982 Buffetti Portici
390817862111 Ufficio Comunale Vigilanza Commerciale
390817862111 Municipio di Portici
39081470499 Comune Di Portici Villa Consiglio
3908119808235 Express Speedy Di Renata Rossi
390817753786 Seme di Pace cooperativa sociale Onlus
393939623977 AUTODI PORTICI sas
390810490943 DHS Tech S.r.l.s.
39081482663 Tutto Per L'Ufficio Di Giovanni Sollo
39081481144 Omnia per L'Ufficio
390810608616 GNS
393461023569 Edil Service del Geometra Ciro Mario Formisano
390817765846 Professione Ufficio di Clemente Mauro
Cell Number Business Name
390817762765 Laboratorio Odontotecnico De Luise G. E f.
390817753596 Ecolsud Srl Dell'Ing.Antonio Battaglia
390817762134 Battaglia Maria
39081489808 Professionecasa Portici
393478275834 GMQUADRO
390817757913 Tecnogas Maresca Vittorio
393337538227 Studio Medico Secondulfo - Portici
390817553711 I.N.P.S. Istituto Territoriale Previdenze Sociale
390817769054 ICORES S.r.l.
39081272525 Istituto Aladino Di Martino
390823609112 TECHMADE S.R.L
3908119242789 Vanacaf�
3908119360581 Ristorante Litho55
+39 081 775 3596 Ecolsud Srl Dell'Ing.Antonio Battaglia
+39 081 776 2134 Battaglia Maria
+39 081 775 5810 Agenzia Bellavista di De Vita Giovanna - Team Service Portici
+39 081 786 2111 Municipio di Portici
+39 333 918 1602 Room BellaVista
+39 081 484121 Italian Post Office Post
+39 081 776 7640 Ufficio Postale Poste Italiane
+39 081 1851 4049 Affiliato Tecnocasa Tecnoliberta' S.R.L.
+39 081 1899 5356 Affiliato Tecnorete Tecnoportici S.A.S.
+39 081 776 3074 Farmacia Bellavista
+39 081 010 2193 Commercial Technical Institute Carlo Levi
+39 081 359 7066 Agenzia TuttoPratiche



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Italy like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Italy Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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