Italy Telephone Directory

Trace Italy Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 167 Italy Businesses on Pincode 39018. Italy has a population of 59,290,969 and there are thousands of businesses in Italy whose numbers are available for Italy Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Italy Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 167 businesses number on pincode 39018 in Italy.

Cell Number Business Name
393356362762 Ditta Oberrauch Klaus
390471926287 Bautechnik Srl Infrastrutture - Filiale Terlano
390471258002 Landwirtschaftliche Hauptgenossenschaft Terlan
390471257126 Carabinieri Stationskommando Terlan
390471258195 SK S�dtirol
390471257113 Parrocchia di Terlano
390471257224 J. Oberrauch - Terlan - Reifenfachhandel / Centro SuperService
390471257749 ALARMSTUDIO
390471257501 Mg Rainer Srl
390471920394 Villa Sonnenschein
390471552111 Scuola Provinciale Antincendi
390471678497 Freiwillige Feuerwehr Vilpian
390471677068 Unione Distrettuale Dei Corpi Vigili Del Fuoco Bolzano
+39 0471 259500 Raiffeisenkasse Etschtal
+39 0471 257668 Sparkasse - Cassa di Risparmio Terlano
+39 0471 259500 Raiffeisenkasse Etschtal - GST Siebeneich
+39 0471 257007 Allianz Terlano
+39 0471 258233 Eurodata SRL
+39 0471 918367 Cooperativa Frubona Terlano
+39 0471 918502 Restaurant Patauner
+39 0471 910184 Cantina Braunbach
+39 0471 918451 Hotel Caffe' Greifenstein
+39 0471 259600 Comune di Terlano
+39 333 215 6067 Torilan
+39 0471 257135 Cantina Terlano
Cell Number Business Name
+39 0471 257165 Tourismusverein Terlan
+39 0471 257121 Ristorante Pizzeria Oberhauser
+39 0471 257171 Poste Italiane S.p.A.
+39 0471 189 4153 Studio Lochmann
+39 0471 257163 Pensione Runer
+39 0471 257174 Hotel Restaurant Weingarten
+39 0471 188 9670 Residence EGGER
+39 0471 678615 Ufficio postale di Vilpiano - Poste Italiane
+39 349 443 2189 Feldhof
+39 0471 678768 Haus Winkler
+39 0471 678453 Pensione Sunnhofer
+39 0471 678918 Agriturismo J�gerheim
+39 0471 678538 Ferienwohnungen Ganderhof
+39 0471 678671 Hotel Sparerhof
+39 0471 678948 Hotel Vilpianerhof
+39 0471 678936 Ferienwohnungen Hoellerhof
+39 0471 678453 Reiterer Martin
+39 320 490 8469 Haus Tinkhauser
+39 0471 678882 Hotel Neuhausm�hle
+39 0471 257573 Ebner Dott.ssa Christa - Janka
+39 0471 258113 Patrizia Visani Pediatra
+39 0471 257573 Ebner Dr. Fritz
+39 0471 257474 Garni Wieterer
+39 0471 257108 Farmacia Dr. Karl Weinreich
+39 339 173 5265 Dr. Doris Kaserer



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Italy like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Italy Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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