Italy Telephone Directory

Trace Italy Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 170 Italy Businesses on Pincode 16145. Italy has a population of 59,290,969 and there are thousands of businesses in Italy whose numbers are available for Italy Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Italy Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 170 businesses number on pincode 16145 in Italy.

Cell Number Business Name
+39 010 369621 Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
+39 010 362 7165 Banca Regionale Europea - Filiale di Albaro
+39 010 362 0607 AUTORIPARAZIONI L. DA VINCI S.A.S. - Skoda
+39 06 0060 BNL BNP Paribas
+39 010 362 9232 BANCA CARIGE AGENZIA 60 - GENOVA
+39 349 508 2660 Laura Chiesa grafica e web designer
+39 010 516 5582 Esselunga
+39 010 806 3678 Studio Zara 19 - Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica
+39 010 353 5111 GVM - Villa Serena
+39 010 362 8751 Prof. Azzolini Alfonso Adolfo
+39 010 362 8871 De Cesari Dr. Fabrizio
+39 010 362 8338 Sebastiani Dr. Paolo
+39 010 890 7817 Prof. Alfredo Rebora
+39 0185 190 5507 Dr. Roberto Coppola, Cardiochirurgo
+39 347 310 1677 Abello Dr. Emilio
+39 010 312331 Simone Cappato
+39 010 316523 Oculista Priolo Dr. Enrico
+39 010 310139 Petritoli Anna
+39 010 353 1283 Berti Riboli Dr. Riccardo
+39 333 345 2961 Urologo Dr. Matteo Giglio, Specialista
+39 010 35311 Giovanni Battista Ratto
+39 010 35311 Villa Montallegro | Casa di Cura e Centro Polispecialistico Ambulatoriale
+39 010 35311 Dott. Eno Picori
+39 340 379 7453 Dr. Arrigo Barabino Gastroenterologo
+39 348 336 9827 Prof. Danilo Dodero
Cell Number Business Name
+39 010 377 8378 Leveratto Dr. Luciana
+39 010 35351 Senes Dr. Filippo Maria - Medico Ortopedico
+39 339 722 7435 Dr. Calandra Bruno
+39 010 890 7823 Prof. Daniele Friedman
+39 347 704 2730 Cerruti Dr.ssa Carla Ginecologa
+39 335 653 8295 Cardiochirurgo Genova Dott. Luigi Martinelli
+39 010 353 1283 Matteo Guelfi
+39 366 432 1960 Dottor Barabino Arrigo Gastroenterologo
+39 010 353 5111 Compalati, Dott. Enrico
+39 351 505 0388 Dott.ssa Ylenia Motta | Medicina estetica ed omeopatia | Armonia e Medicina
+39 010 353 1283 Prof. Marco Guelfi
+39 338 816 9170 Studio Psicoterapia Cognitivista
+39 02 8294 7175 Simone Cappato
+39 0863 195 0021 Gastroenterologo Dott. Manuele Furnari - Centro Colonscopia e Gastroscopia Genova Montallegro Casa di Cura - Indolore
+39 010 316310 Dr. Carlo Proietti
+39 010 316555 Gambaro Dr. Patrizia
+39 010 591381 Chirurgo della Mano - Dott. Antonio Merello
+39 342 580 6603 Studio Oculistico Dr. Vagge Aldo
+39 010 362 0730 Valletta Cambiaso Asd
+39 333 158 0054 Studio Dermatologico Dott. Davide Basso
+39 010 374 1181 Studio Odontoiatrico Currarino Dr. Fabio
+39 392 647 3654 Rinoplastica Genova - Paolo Iacoviello Dr
+39 010 314689 Ghiglino Dr. Gian Carlo
+39 010 315622 Boccia Dott. Flavio
+39 010 312331 Giuseppe Moratti



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Italy like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Italy Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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