Information about +39 334 151 6001

Trace Owner details of +39 334 151 6001


+39 334 151 6001 is business number, listed for Agriturismo Colle Verde Montefortino. Agriturismo Colle Verde Montefortino is a ?Restaurant in Italy. The contact address of +39 334 151 6001 is Localit� Bussonico, 19/A, 63858 Montefortino FM, Italy. Agriturismo Colle Verde Montefortino business has a rating of 4.9 out of 5.

Business Name Agriturismo Colle Verde Montefortino
Business Pincode 63858
Business Address Localit� Bussonico, 19/A, 63858 Montefortino FM, Italy
Business Rating 4.9
Business Category ?Restaurant

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
+39 0736 845594 Antica Corte
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+39 825 185 6029 Casa di Riposo Avellino
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+39 392 041 8101 Al Borgo Ristorante Pizzeria Gourmet
Cell Number Business Name
+39 0825 993396 Officine San Giorgio Srl
+39 0825 902498 S.S. Giorgio e Leonardo
+39 0521 876114 Carabinieri Comando Stazione Roccabianca
+39 0521 374009 Supermercato Roccalimenti Crai
+39 0521 374004 Faled Distillerie Srl

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