Information about +39 0774 936652

Trace Owner details of +39 0774 936652


+39 0774 936652 is business number, listed for Ristorante pizzeria ZEYADA - forno a legna. Ristorante pizzeria ZEYADA - forno a legna is a Restaurant in Italy. The contact address of +39 0774 936652 is Piazza delle Ville, 28, 00022 Anticoli Corrado RM, Italy. Ristorante pizzeria ZEYADA - forno a legna business has a rating of 2.8 out of 5.

Business Name Ristorante pizzeria ZEYADA - forno a legna
Business Pincode 00022
Business Address Piazza delle Ville, 28, 00022 Anticoli Corrado RM, Italy
Business Rating 2.8
Business Category Restaurant

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