Information about +39069135070

Trace Owner details of +39069135070


+39069135070 is business number, listed for UPIM. UPIM is a Department store in Italy. The contact address of +39069135070 is Via Niso, 6/a, 00040 Ardea RM, Italy. More information for +39069135070 can be found on their website UPIM business has a rating of 4 out of 5.

Business Name UPIM
Business Pincode 00040
Business Address Via Niso, 6/a, 00040 Ardea RM, Italy
Business Website
Business Rating 4
Business Category Department store

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
3907731726759 Upim
390773607020 UPIM
390536071078 Ceramiche Italiane Srl
390536824390 Maga Ceramiche S.r.l.
390536823285 Ovi Ferdinando E C. Snc
Cell Number Business Name
390536823021 Dado Ceramica - Frascari Adriano
393286616827 Intimamente Lory
390536825159 Valentini Pneumatici Snc di valentini Massimo & Elisa
390536857053 Vision- Ottica

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