Italy Telephone Directory

Trace Italy Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 1055 Italy Businesses on Pincode 37020. Italy has a population of 59,290,969 and there are thousands of businesses in Italy whose numbers are available for Italy Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Italy Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 1055 businesses number on pincode 37020 in Italy.

Cell Number Business Name
390457270009 Farmacia Valdadige SNC
390457270297 Valdadige Library - Office of Rivalta
390457532695 Bellero Silvio
393407129828 Spaccio formaggi di montagna
390457220128 Lorenzi Olindo
390459617057 Ristorante al Palazzo
393495243548 Pizzeria Rivalta by Bonaldo
393206052088 Castellieri della Lessinia formaggi azienda agricola Marconi Alberto e Caterina
390457519025 Cona Manuela
393486971403 B&B ENANTIO
390457230110 Locanda Roeno
390456255511 Ti.bel S.p.a.
390457532691 Marogna Maria
390457270011 Parrocchia Di San Giacomo In Rivalta
390457519025 Cona Nereo
390457545424 Minimarket
393483853249 King's Caf�
390457532551 Macelleria Ronconi snc.
390457532656 Bar Pasticceria "Le Delizie"
390457270223 Agriturismo Al Palazzo
390457535041 Supermercato RONCONI
390457270435 Termoplast
390457532979 Bar Pasticceria Morandini
390457270578 Autogrill Adige Brennero Est
390457532522 Minimarket Marogna Nicola
Cell Number Business Name
390459611851 Societ� Agricola Fasoli Domenico e Stefano
390457230109 Trattoria al Ponte
390457519025 Fosse
393489838601 Agriturismo Al Casot
390457075052 Salumi, burro e formaggi Piccoli Graziano
39800101290 Eni Station
390455867556 Hotel Baldo
390457545424 La Bottega Del Paese Di Soltesz Tiziano E Zullo Susanna Snc
390457755084 Tommasi Pietro
390457075535 Motorverde
393467007984 Piccola produzione locale di Lavarini Gianluigi
390456284087 Municipio
393336531176 Fasoli Fernando Tartufi
390457755129 Novaia Organic Wines
390456801198 Agricola Ca' la Bionda
390457080760 Magnabosco Abbigliamento S.A.S.
390457080037 Abbigliamento Vilma Di Marcotto Barbara
390457080089 Poggese Maria Cristina
390457080151 pasticceria
390457080018 Zanella Maria Chiara
390457080762 Bierre Giardini Di Bellamoli Roberto
390457080266 Marconi Aldo
390457080103 Panificio Lughezzani
390457080468 Godi Luigi



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Italy like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Italy Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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