Italy Telephone Directory

Trace Italy Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 80 Italy Businesses on Pincode 24055. Italy has a population of 59,290,969 and there are thousands of businesses in Italy whose numbers are available for Italy Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Italy Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 80 businesses number on pincode 24055 in Italy.

Cell Number Business Name
+39 035 897000 Drago Dr. Gerolamo
+39 035 898145 Legramanti Dr. Pietro
+39 035 897868 Rizza Dr. Francesco
+39 035 897077 Mantione Dr. Ettore
+39 035 892376 Ambulatorio Medico Dr.ssa Scaini Maria Teresa
+39 035 890765 Studio Dentistico Dr. Luca Berizzi
+39 340 278 9863 Centro di Psicoterapia
+39 035 897027 Del Carro Alessandro
+39 035 896300 Pizzamiglio Dr. Giulio
+39 035 891999 Ambulatorio Veterinario Cologno Al Serio di Ubbiali Dr. Anna Maria
+39 035 892605 Studio Dentistico Dr. Stefano Lippolis
+39 349 644 3638 Studio Origami - Psicologo Psicoterapeuta
+39 339 866 0646 Roberta Carrara Psicologa
+39 035 892672 Stare Bene (S.R.L.)
+39 035 487 2317 Centro Veterinario Cologno al Serio
Cell Number Business Name
+39 347 875 2415 Dott. Claudio Reitano, Psicologo, Psicoterapia Cognitivo Comportamentale
+39 333 867 8306 Dott.ssa Marianna Albani psicologa
+39 035 077 8223 Centro Dentale S.n.c.
+39 035 897730 Farmacia Seguino Snc - Dott. Sebastiano Seguino & C.
+39 035 898707 Futura 2001 Poliambulatorio Odontoiatrico
+39 348 559 6856 Ubbiali Geremia
+39 035 017 6273 STUDIO BRUMANA
+39 035 044 4041 Agreo Societ� Cooperativa Onlus
+39 035 418 3501 Comune di Cologno al Serio
+39 035 892165 Bellometti Ermanno
+39 035 418 0046 Raimondi Bruno
+39 035 896323 Fastoval (S.R.L.)
+39 035 891733 Drago Maria
+39 035 890709 Beautr� Parrucchieri
+39 035 418 8411 Comal Ferlatta Spa


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Italy like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Italy Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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